The Goat
Angoras are shown ”out of the Field” without washing, brushing, combing or otherwise changing the lock structure or the grease content of the fleece. Fleece should however have no burrs, sticks or excessive vegetation. Due to the nature of the Mohair lock, the density of the fleece and the presence of grease.
Washing or brushing the fiber would be unduly frustrating and painful for the goat. It also destroys or alters the natural state of the fleece and presents a false representation. Introducing your goat into the show ring with as little vegetable matter as possible is to your advantage as excessive vegetable matter detracts from the appearance of the fleece and is distracting to the judge. You want nothing that detracts from the goat or its fleece.
Fleece should be free of lice. Lice destroy a fleece; cause serious skin irritation and can jeopardize the life of the goat. In addition lice are easily transmitted from goat to goat through contact and bedding. In consideration of your animal as well as fellow breeders every effort should be made to present an animal free of lice. In the show ring judges will typically mark down animals with lice.
Always use de-lousers with caution prior to a show. The judge will be handling the Mohair and freshly used pesticides are dangerous to the touch. Be sure your goat will not present any danger to the judge during examination. It is also to the breeder’s advantage to choose a de-lousing agent that does not discolor the fleece.
An oil-based agent will cause discoloration and in the show ring the fleece could be marked down.
Fleece should be in good condition with enough length to evaluate the character of the lock. Goats should not be shown with an overgrown, felted, matted or excessively dirty fleece. Excessive staining and fecal matter should be removed. A clean fleece in good condition is best for showing your goat. Locks should be clean and separate nicely. If the fiber is too short the judge cannot see the fundamental qualities of the fleece. If it is too long it is more likely to show heavy soling, matting or felting.
Feet should be properly trimmed and clean. Goats with properly trimmed feet will stand more correctly and give a better representation of their true conformation. Clean hooves and horns add to the overall presentation of the Goat.
Horns should be free from caked mud or mohair and can be treated with a light oil to bring out the color and texture of the horn.
Faces may be wiped clean with a damp cloth if necessary. There is great wisdom in carrying a cloth with you to wipe runny eyes or noses. The stress from travel and breathing the dust that circulates throughout the trailer during travel is very irritating and can cause runny eyes and noses as well as coughing which may last several days. Care must be taken in determining whether an animal is sick or simply exhibiting symptoms of travel induced irritation.
Kids should be 4 months or older to endure the stress of travel and show and should have at least 3 inches of Mohair. Kids should be in good health and have a vigorous constitution to handle the rigors of travel. Kids need at least 3 inches of fleece for adequate evaluation as the birth coat contains a large percentage of kemp that is replaced with true Mohair after the first few months. Kids less than one year should never be handled by their horns as they can easily break.
Recommended methods of restraint include holding the hair below the chin or jaw line or wearing properly fitted show collars or halters. To be more comfortable in the show ring goats should be handled as much as possible prior to a show. A goat that walks nicely into the ring will be far more impressive than one that is dragged. A goat that stands correctly and without fear will present a square conformation rather than the ungainly position produced by tucking its tail and hindquarters in an uncomfortable position.
The Handler
Dress simply and neatly; you do not want to call attention away from your goat.
Wear proper identification for each animal such as an entry number or other means as designated by the show venue. If applicable.
Be courteous to your fellow exhibitors and the judges.
Keep enough space between yourself and the other exhibitors so the judge can move easily around the goats.
Always face the judge keeping the goat between you and the judge.
Do not talk to the other exhibitors or to people at ringside.
Keep your opinions to yourself during the show. The only opinion that matters on show day is the Judges.
Never criticize or speak negatively about the Judges or other Exhibitors.
Never seek to influence the Judge prior to a show.
Know your Goat. The judge may ask you how old your goat is, last shearing date, etc.
Be prepared to steady your goat for your judge and expose the bite if asked.
Present yourself and your goats in a professional and caring manner. Realize the show begins with unloading the goats and ends when you pack them up for home. Be careful how you lead them and pick them up. Buyers may begin making decisions concerning your farm and goats by watching how you handle them during the entire festival. No matter how much you have worked with your goats to prepare them for show they will most likely be intimidated in new and strange surroundings requiring your additional patience.
The Judge(s)
Offer a fair and impartial opinion as you see the animal on the day of the show.
Use the recommended association scorecard as your guide.
Have handler open mouth for bite assessment rather than place your fingers in each goat’s mouth.
Share your reasons for placement with the audience and exhibitors so everyone may learn something.
Be consistent in evaluating animals in each class and place all animals in each class.
Maintain a professional appearance during the show.