Inspection Forms for Registration

For consistency and to ensure everyone has access to the latest version, CAGBA forms are available online in PDF form. Please be patient…these forms may take a few minutes to download. You will need Adobe’s Acrobat Reader, which is a free download. If you don’t have Adobe’s Acrobat* Reader, you can download it now.

This Form is filled out by the owner of the goat to be Inspected.  Fill out as much information available on the goat.  Provide it to the Inspector Coordinator prior to the Inspection.

This Form is completed by each Inspector while inspecting the goat.  A minimum of 3 Inspectors are required to inspect each goat for registration.
Registry Card_16 August 2024

This is the Form used by the Inspection Coordinator after receiving the Registry Inspection Card from each Inspector. 

This instruction sheet is to provide guidelines for the Inspection Coordinator.

This is Form is to be filled out by the owner of the goat for Photo or Video Inspection. Mail this to the Registrar with your fleece, photos or video.